Vasyl Fedienko


Showing 18 products

Companion of the Primer
Василь Федієнко

All parents know how difficult yet important it is to teach a child to read. After all, reading is the first step in the great and challenging "adult" learning process that awaits the child. The first successes or failures will...

Learning to write printed letters. Blue graphic grid.
Василій Федієнко

Practice shows that a child's interest in the learning process is directly related to the ability to apply new skills and the understanding of the practical benefits of learning. For example, if a child is learning letters, it is important...

Easy English (for little ones learning English)
Василь Федієнко, Тетяна Жирова

The aim of this guide is to introduce the child to the first English words and fixed expressions in an accessible and engaging way. The guide includes topics for the development of the child's spoken language who is starting to...

Forest animals
Василь Федієнко

The book provides basic information about the lives of forest inhabitants, teaching the child to correctly name adult animals and their young, the conditions of their existence, what different animals eat, and their behavioral characteristics. The child should learn to...

Animals in the yard

This book will tell young readers about domestic animals, how to correctly name adult animals and their young, their habits, behavioral traits, and what to feed them. On each page, there is an interesting rhymed riddle, the cover features the...

Book for Reading and Developing Coherent Speech
Василь Федієнко

The guides in the series are aimed at children aged 4 to 7 years (depending on the level of prior preparation) and cover almost all areas of school preparation — the alphabet, mathematics, logic, the development of reading skills and...

Василь Федієнко

Together with the publications, young readers will get acquainted with the environment, seasonal changes, and leading human activities in different times of the year in an engaging way.

Little helpers
Василь Федієнко

The book will teach little ones how to become good helpers for adults. Colorful movable elements will facilitate the quick understanding of new concepts such as planting, digging, taking care of animals, cleaning the room, etc. Here, you can try...

Blue-blue sea
Василь Федієнко

The book will introduce children to the most common sea inhabitants, illustrated on each page, as well as types of water transport. Short riddle poems contain descriptions of fish, crabs, octopuses, turtles, birds, and mammals that live near water bodies....

Василь Федієнко


The booklet will introduce children to the most common animals that can be encountered during a visit to the zoo. Each page features illustrated animals accompanied by short riddle-poems that will help guess who is being referred to before the...

Mathematical Worksheets. Express Template

The aim of the proposed "Mathematical Guidelines" is to help primary school students master the skills of correctly writing numbers. By using cells of various sizes that gradually decrease, as well as an optimal selection of exercises for tracing, completing,...

Animals on the farm
Василь Федієнко

The animals that live on the farm are hidden in this book. But they can be guessed by reading the poem and seen by working with your fingers. Unique developmental books with moving elements encourage the child to learn, as...

Alphabet from A to Z and numbers from 0 to 10
Василь Федієнко

The guides in the series are aimed at children aged 4 to 6 years (depending on the level of prior preparation) and cover almost all areas of school preparation – the alphabet, mathematics, logic, the development of reading skills and...

Каліграфічний зошит-шаблон. Збільшений розмір графічної сітки

Загальновідомим є той факт, що процес опанування навичок письма, особливо на першому етапі, — нелегка праця для дитини шести-семи років. Надзвичайно важливим моментом стає вибір додаткового посібника для вироблення початкових графічних навичок, що враховує вікові фізіологічні та психологічні особливості дітей...

From morning to night
Василь Федієнко

The publication is intended for children aged 1+, helping them to orient themselves in time, know what time it is by looking at the hands of the clock, and learn to distinguish between morning, day, evening, and night, among other...

Каліграфічний зошит-шаблон. Cтандартний розмір графічної сітки

Загальновідомим є той факт, що процес опанування навичок письма, особливо на першому етапі, — нелегка праця для дитини шести-семи років. Надзвичайно важливим моментом стає вибір додаткового посібника для вироблення початкових графічних навичок, що враховує вікові фізіологічні та психологічні особливості дітей...

Basics of quick thinking

This book is a ready-made training designed to effectively help in the development of memory, attention, concentration, logic, imagination and creative thinking of younger schoolchildren. The manual uses both classic and the latest methodological developments, adapted in such a way...

Learning to Solve Problems - 9789664294185

Recommended for individual and group activities with children aged five years and older. Attention! All texts in the notebook are intended for adult reading!


Vasyl Fedienko

Vasyl Fedienko: learning that brings pleasure

Most parents of preschool and younger school-age children know the children's writer Vasyl Fedienko. And it's no wonder, as he is the author of a unique methodology based on learning in the form of an engaging game.

Vasyl Fediienko, whose books are noted for their interesting techniques and a worthy level of the Ukrainian language, is a quite respected figure in the educational circles of Ukraine. He began his professional path at Kirovohrad Pedagogical University, where he achieved significant success. He is now a candidate of pedagogical sciences, the author of numerous scientific articles, and a co-founder of a publishing house for children's artistic, preschool, and school literature.

Fediienko's Books — useful and interesting publications for your little ones

To help children become smart and educated individuals, they need to be engaged. However, most little ones do not particularly enjoy boring activities. If you cannot encourage children to learn, pay attention to the guides developed by Vasyl Fedienko. You can buy this author's book on our website. The uniqueness of this author's educational materials lies in the fact that the tasks are presented in a playful form.

The well-known series of books for preschoolers is represented by the following guides:

  • "Mom's School";
  • "Wonderland";
  • "Baby";
  • "Step to school";
  • "Mathematics and Logic";
  • "Preschooler" and others.

The author's business card Vasyl Fedienko — the primer "Chytailik". This book has become a successful start in reading for several generations of Ukrainian preschoolers. Later, when they enter the first grade, children use other teaching aids by Fedienko: workbooks for writing, mathematics, speech development, and handwriting.

If you want to engage your child in the learning process, pay attention to the publications offered by Vasyl Fedienko. You can order a book by this author on our website. With such guides, learning will bring your child nothing but joy.


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